Being Present

Lovebug, let’s talk about the importance of ‘Being Present.

Because it’s an epic AF state of mind.

A divine decision to be here, and now.

No matter what the ‘lies from the lizard,’ the Ghosts of Christmas past, the fear of judgment, or the worry of not knowing ‘how.’ 

You let go. Fearlessly choose to surrender.

To be here now. To roll the dice.

To pivot.
To forgive yourself.
To love yourself.
To re-fluffin-choose.

Living instead of existing, boo.

Because deep in your bones. You’ve always known you were meant for more. Soul much more, and this state of mind is where you co-create all that you’ve ever desiHer’d to be and more.

Being present is where you defy gravity. Where you color outside the lines of what your soul seeks. It has also been shown to have numerous other benefits such as reducing stress, increasing happiness, improving relationships, and productivity.

Soul, in this episode we’ll discuss we’ll not only what ‘being present is,’ and why it’s soul important… But we’ll explore techniques for cultivating this epic AF state of presence in our daily lives.

Love Always,
Christie xo.