Being. Doing what you came here for, boo.
It feels like a dance in the sun of your own making.
It feels like you’re leaving sparkle everywhere you glow.
You see the potential. The limitlessness of it all.
The inevitableness that is.
And I’m positive it leaves you in tears.
Tears that aren’t sad, but happy.
Because you finally realize all that was ever
required for the life you desire is Y-O-U.

fearless Leadher

welcome home

A great LeadHER doesn’t desire to lead she’s called to…

Stawp waiting for per-mission to live your life. A life beyond even your most wildest of dreams.

No matter what Becky with the good hair says.
No matter what, ‘lies from your lizard,’ flow in.
No matter what, your family or environment says.
No matter what, is or is not currently in your bank account.
Nada-fluffin-thing can stawp you. Define you.
Your willingness to ask, receive, and mutha-fluffin’ move. Your boot-tay to the beat of your own sacred drum… Knowing you already know ‘how,’ you desire to strum. Be-cause all of the answers already lie deep within you.
It’s just FEAR, trauma, past experiences, doubt, your journey that may once upon a time, before now… have been stumping you.
Soul love bug, get back in the driver’s seat and steer.

Be-cause you decide the destination, my dear.

meet christie

hello lovebug!

I’m Christie.

It is my divine intention to help raise the vibration of the planet through unconditional love, fearlessness, gratitude, positivity & by igniting the truth within your soul.

I have always believed that YOU are the creator of your own beautiful reality.

Because through YOU, your OWN beliefs, your own JOURNEY, and WILLINGNESS to take intentional action everything happens.

In the last two years, I’ve become a multi-millionairess  by helping over 100 women re-claim their power, own their magic, discover their truths, & ‘make shift happen,’ in their own beautiful life.

Let me just say, the transformations have been Magical AF.

And my goal is to help at least 1000 more women ignite the spark within their soul and realize that no matter what your current or past circumstances, journey, doubts, environment may be…

The truth is you are soul darn possible & if I can do it, YOU most definitely can too!

Soul if, you’re ready to ‘re-claim your power, get laser sharp focused on your purpose, & make shift happen in your own beautiful life.’

Let’s GROW, let’s LOVE, and let’s RISE together. -xo

Stop looking for the light

You are the light

and your soul is ready to

'illuminate your way.'


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