If She Can Do it… Soul Can You!


Lovebug, if she can… soul can you! 

When I started on this grand adventure I caught a big ol’ case of the compare-in-i-dis. It felt like I’d entered some sort of steam-filled pressure cooker where no matter what I did… the lid just wouldn’t budge. 

And of course, I didn’t give up, but I kept running face first into that plexi-glass wall… and at some points feeling the desiHER to burn it all down to the ground… 

Because at my core, I felt myself looking for this outward approval, validation, and love. 

I had even made likes on a post, shares, follows, and numbers, that in all reality I don’t really give two shats about mean a whole helluva lot about me.

Because… you see… 

The truth is… I was still one foot in… and one foot out… 

Sorting through every flippity-floppin’ excuse, and ‘lie from the lizard.’ Almost trying to prove them right…

Attempting to pour myself into some ice tray and mold myself into every piece of the be-do-have strategy others were following.

To only feel depleted. Mutha-fluffin’ drained. Like burnt toast.

I’ll tell ya why…

But like you. Deep down I already knew.

Cookie-cutter. Boring AF just wouldn’t ever do.

And soul when my little Christie got tired of bashing her head against the plexi-glass ceiling…
(Which truthfully took a few rounds)

I fluffin’ DECIDED.

To pull the big ol’ shiny 24k-gold rip cord, and leaned into trust, faith, flow, and my own genuine divine curiosity.

Because well… I’m a sacred fluffin’ rebel, and it was time I did it my way.
Breaking all the flippity-floppin’ rules.

Letting the nay-sayers fuel the fire of my soul.

Because the big question that kept swirling was ‘Who do you think you are to do this thing?’

And then and there is when I remembered.

When I just knew.

And my response. Volume turned all the way up was, ‘Who the FLUFF AM I NOT, TOO?’

To stawp playing small, and trying to be the ‘good girl,’ version of me I thought the world wanted to see.

To be present here and now in ’the climb,’ to where I desiHER’d to be.

And I just know…

If you’re like me. This is soul true for you, too!

And it’s time to come back home.

Fully embracing her.

The you that you dream of and desiHER to be.

‘Zero fluffs given,’ because you desHERve it all, bay-bee.

Plus, that’s what we’re all attracted to.

The raw. Real. Perfectly, imperfect version of you.

Letting the world see behind the curtains through your own unique point of view.

The wins. The slays. The adventures. The fluff-ups. The experiences. Your expHERtese.
And #oopsdididothat, too.

Because it’s what makes you – YOU.

You being willing feet to the fire say, ‘FLUFF IT,’ and lean all into you.

Knowing that by paving your way you inspiHER, motivate, ignite, and show others what’s soul limitlessly possible, too.

Breaking all of the rules and coloring outside the lines was always my thang.

Because you’re the answer to all of your prayers.

The secret sauce.

Soul, there’s no better time. Space. Or Place.

Then now to decide to be all the fluff in on this magically divine climb at all costs.

In the adventure. The experience. To Y-O-U.

Knowing you always get to pivot and refluffin’ choose.

As this is exactly the way. To co-creating your own legacy.

Feeling the nudge?

Ready to heed the call?

Then you’re invited to join me in ‘The Climb,’ MastHERMind.

Where I meet you where you are, and guide you to where you desiHER to be.
Through energetics, love, support, and strategy.

In this episode, we’ll talk about co-creating a life beyond your wildest dreams by just deciding to be you. The raw, unfiltered, zero fluffs given ‘who the fluff are you not to,’ being that is soul ready to be received. 

Love Always,
Christie xo